Monday, June 27, 2011

Ultimate 5k 1.2

So this is the start of my first full week of training. I'm really excited about the benefit that starting my life as a runner will give me, but with every new thing there's a bit of trepidation. I'm really afraid that in a couple weeks I'll start loathing my workouts and won't want to get up. So right now I'm just trying to start making the habit of getting up every morning at 5am even on the days that I don't have a run scheduled. The program I'm doing right now has me doing three runs a week, with a break in between each one increasing in length and interval.

I'm super excited about the possibility of accomplishing something that I would have never, in a million years, thought I would've been able to; run a 5k. Forever I was 'the fat kid, and then the fat guy'. It's an identity that I took on and believed I would be for the rest of my life. I just believed that I would always be the fat guy who would just make jokes about my weight and try to make everyone else around me laugh and be light-hearted. What I came to realize in the past couple years is that I didn't like the person I was, I always wanted to be something or someone different. Much of the angst, bitterness, and negativity I've exhibited in my life to the people I rub elbows with was the inner-conflict within myself over who I am and who I wanted to be. But for the longest time I just blamed others for me not making the conscious decision to making a change.

April was my tipping point. For as long as we've been together Sarah and I have been telling one another "we need to be healthier" and done little things here or there but never really made a serious commitment or change in our lives. But, now we have and I really feel like I have this new found motivation, and it's lasted longer than I thought it would ever have. So I really feel like I can do this. I know I sound like a broken record in constantly saying "I really feel like I can do or accomplish this", but I keep saying it because I feel something different within me than I ever have before and thats the difference.

I'll close with this: we were at Valley Creek Church in FloMo this week, and the pastor there was speaking on Christ's restoration of Peter after his rejection of Christ and he made the point that in life sometimes God has to bring up our failures, even if it may mean us getting hurt in the now, to heal us for the future. That's where I feel with my life right now, I've been trying to hide a bunch of things about me and in my life, hoping that others wont know or see them. All that's done is caused me to be a bitter, negative person. So now making my hurts open to God and exploring my path to allowing God to heal me.

Honesty and Openness

Saturday, June 25, 2011

First 5k training

Ok, so as pretty much everyone that knows me, knows I'm not a runner. However, for the longest time I've wanted to run a 5k. I think in my mind it's the accomplishment of something that I've never done before, and something I can't accomplish easy; it's a challenge for me. I've noticed in my life, with the help of my loving wife, I don't always challenge myself; a real challenge. I'll do things that to others would be challenging but are easily or with little effort accomplished for me. So I've talked about running a 5k for almost a year now, and have had reason after reason not to. One of the biggest concerns is my weight, there is always the concern of joint fatigue and injury when you're talking about a guy almost 400 pounds running 3.1 miles or training to do so. So my concern is being alleviated by the fact that in the past 7 weeks I've lost 19 pounds, and I'm down to 381. I've been on a pace of loosing, on average, 3 pounds a week. I'm going to start working with my trainer to do some specific workouts that will help strengthen my knees and legs to help avoid injury as I train for this race.

So the race itself. The race is September 24th and is being sponsored by my employer, Denton County MHMR in support of national suicide awareness month. It's being held at South Lakes Park and more details will come as they are made available. I think the reason I finally decided to get off the couch and do this is that in the past couple months, is because I've realized a couple things about myself; one, I'm not the person God desires for me to be and two, if I don't make real and practical changes to my life I'm not going to be alive for much longer. It's a sobering and depressing realization to admit that I was almost 400 lbs, that's almost a quarter of a ton; that's like a cold towel eh? But here's what I've realized, with the right guidance, motivation and heart there isn't anything about me that I can't change with God's help. Because believe me there are days when the last thing I want to do is go to the gym and work out, and I know there will be mornings when the last thing I want to do is go for a run. But, from somewhere not inside me I find the motivation to do those things because for me to become the person I, and everyone else I touch lives with needs me, need to become those are the things that have to be done.

I can tell you that right now as I type this blog I'm almost in tears. Not because I'm so tired I can't feel my body or because I injured myself the first day. I'm almost in tears because this past 7 weeks has been the greatest evidence to me that God really does love me and cares about me. I know it may be weird to think that me starting a lifestyle of healthy living and losing weight is evidence of God's love for me, but it is. It is because for the longest time I didn't believe I could change that about myself, I didn't believe that I could be a healthy person and I blamed God. I blamed God for 'making me this way' or 'not giving me the same motivation to succeed in this area of my life as others'. But what I'm now getting to realize is that God didn't make me this way, I did with my choices, and I've always had the motivation inside me to do this, I just had to let him help me get out of my own way with excuses. I don't know if that makes any sense but the way I see is that I've been angry about a lot of things in my life and the way they've gone down. I've blamed God but I haven't turned my back on him, because others would see that more easily. No, what I did was turn off my eyes and ears to God, who for the past two years (the length of my pronounced bitterness at the world) has been standing there going 'man I'm waiting for you, I'm not going anywhere, you can be as mad at me as you want to and my love for you isn't changing. It'll be right here, I'll be right here waiting for you to open your eyes and see how infinitely greater my love for you is than any expectation you had of me that let you down'. Over the last 2 months with the help of my wife, my amazing friends who I love more than I'll ever tell you (because that could be awkward) I've been opening up my eyes and man does it feel good.

I never realized that a blog on my first run could be so deep but oh well here are my results:

Calories Burned: 254.95
Duration: 16:00 minutes
Distance: 1.05 miles
Average Speed: 4.5 mph
Average Pace: 8.3 min/mi

Love you all

"you have to open your eyes to see the road, otherwise driving is scary"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

6/21/11 workout

I was getting so deep and thoughtful in my last post I almost forgot to post my work out and dinner for today. Tuesdays are a little different than other days because Sarah work urgent care from 5-8p so I'll go get a workout in by myself and then she and I will go play racquetball for an hour or so when she gets home. So today was day two of four in my rotation which is legs and shoulders:

Ball squats 3 sets of 15 reps
Leg extensions 3 sets of 15 reps
Leg curls 3 sets of 15 reps
Seated hamstring lifts 3 sets 15 reps
Scissors 3 of 15
Lateral raises 3 of 15
Shoulder press 3 of 15
Front raises 3 of 15
20 mins of cardio on the elliptical
Then an hour or so of racquetball with Sarah later tonight.

I wanted to get in some core and abs but had to get home to fix our fence with out neighbors.

Dinner was nothing special just a turkey sandwhich and triscuits.

One of Many Hurdles

Today has been a whip. I was on call last night and got a call at 2am just before the massive hail storms rolled through the area. I was at the hospital for 4 hours and didn't get back home until 6:30am; just enough time to turn around and head back to work. We did have a part of our fence that got knocked down, luckily it was just one post that we had to replace and the rest of the fence was ok. Luckily my boss let me off around 1 this afternoon so I was able to get a nap before the gym and fence mending.

The one thing I have noticed about the enemy is that he like to attack when I'm tired or lonely, I obviously think that's because those are the times I'm most vulnerable. For those of you that don't know there was a time in my life, before I got married, I struggled mightily with an addiction to pornography and that's where he most likes to attack me. Reminding me of my struggles and the temporary pleasure that pornography brought to me, he tries to lure me back to that dark place in my life. For so long I gave in and there really is no more shameful a struggle, over time I developed a hatred for myself. In my eyes I had nothing to fight for, when I met Sarah I now had something to fight for. I knew from the minute I met her that she would eventually be my wife so now I had something, someone, to fight for. Addiction is addiction regardless of the object of your addiction, you're never cured from it, you just live in a perpetual journey of recovery. Just like an alcoholic who can't walk down a liquor store, recovery pornography addicts have to work very hard to avoid the things that trigger the sexual temptation that our society's basis for all communication. Solution, go live in a monastery, not realistic I'm too social of a person and don't like robes. So what do I do? Man I stay covered in prayer and constantly through out the day ask God to keep my mind on righteous things. It usually works, but here lately the enemy has been tempting me hard. Not so much visually, but in 'helping' me remember things that I've seen in the past and it has been so hard not to give in. I have spent time reading on the tailgate of my truck in the garage because I didn't want to be alone in the house with my computer. Man, this temptation bites. It's very real, unrelenting, and at times seems unescapable. The thing that really makes lust such a hard temptation to overcome is there are so many ways to get tripped up; your eyes, your thoughts, and physical. Christ says in the bible in Matthew 5:28 that if you look lustfully upon a woman you've committed adultery in your heart. What? Are you kidding me? I've struggled with that for so long.

Don't get too down, there is light at the end of this tunnel. I've got two things that I've been clinging to in this battle. Recently I've been going back and listening to podcasts of old teachings from Matt Chandler, specifically his study on the book of Habakuk whom I identify with on so many levels. The thing I took away most was this concept that so often I neglect the fact that God is ALWAYS with me, and is ALWAYS working in, through and around me, even when I can't see it. He talked about Psalm 139 where David admits that there is no where he can do and be away from the presence of God, and he is willing to bestow on our lives the same power he used to raise Christ from the dead. That impacted me in a powerful way. I have always had this concept that this is a fight for me to fight alone, even my closest of friends may have heard me mention this struggle, but never to reach out and say 'I'm struggling and I need you to pull me along'. But even more than that I forgot that God was with me. I didn't forget that he was with me in the sense that I was no longer a child of his, more so I forgot just who He is, and how powerful He is, and how much He loves me. God is my heavenly father who loves me far beyond any fleeting thought of love my earthly father could muster for me. The second thing dovetails in perfectly with the first. This Sunday we were at Crosstimbers Community Church on Father's day and Toby was speaking about the wounded concept we have of God because of the woundedness we have experienced in our relationships with our fathers. I have always had this concept of God that he has a list of all my sins and failures and is just waiting for the right time to get me back. He talked about this idea that we live our lives in fear of God's punishment because we probably lived our childhood in fear of our earthly father's punishment. But the comforting thing is God is not like our earthly father, he is quick to forget our sins, slow to anger, and does not take our failures personally. Hearing those words coupled with the realization of God's power, sovereignty, and love gives me a freedom to walk in a completely different relationship with God, one where I walls aren't needed because there's no fear of punitive retribution. Does God chastise those that He loves? Absolutely, but that's molding me into the person he desires me to be, not 'getting me back' for things I did weeks, months and years ago.

So now my goal is to walk in the freedom that those two truths have for me, and even though I know I will struggle with this until the day I die, I feel a strength in the freedom of my relationship with my Heavenly Father.

On a side note two books that have been very helpful to me in my battle with lust and pornography are:

Every Man's Battle by Fred Stoeker and Steve Arterburn and The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn

Monday, June 20, 2011

6/20/11 workout

Tonight's workout:

Lat pull downs 3 sets @ 15 reps
Lateral rows 3 sets @ 15 reps
Raised rows 3 sets @ 15 reps
Cable curls 3 sets @ 15 reps
Hammer curls 3 sets @ 15 reps
30 minutes of cardio on elliptical

Dang I'm pooped!

6/20/11 dinner

Tonights dinner on the stove.

The finished product! Can't wait to taste it!

So tonight's dinner was a pan seared chicken with asparagus and radishes.

The chicken marinated in Worcestershire sauce, coarse mustard, brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary, and chili.

The vegetables sautéed in pepper, garlic, and unsalted ms.dash.

Accompanying beverage: Lipton diet citrus green tea.

Total calories: 320
Total protein: 42g
Total carbs: 6.1

So I've said so many times that I'm going to seriously blog about something and I never did. Well I can't guarantee that this is going to be any different; you'll just have to wait and see the results. But here's my goal. Sarah and I back the end of April decided that enough was enough and we had to take back control of our physical health, so we joined LA Fitness and got personal trainers, the whole works. Since then we've been trying to eat better, obviously exercise more often and focused, and we've both seen results. My goal for this blog is to share with you my personal transformation physically, mentally, spiritually, and relationally. I'll post things about workouts to new dishes we try, to my own growth and struggles in my walk with Christ as well as things I learn about my relationships with others. My goal is not for you to look at me and be impressed because honestly that would happen. My goal is that maybe you too might be inspired, or be able to take something away from what I've learned and apply to your journey. Definately not an expert here, just a fellow struggler through the journey of life. So I'm really excited about this, and hopefully you all can keep me accountable in this journey too.